The innovative virtual drum instrument featuring an Intelligent Sampling Engine
Perfect Drums gives you some of the best drum samples on the market. Recorded in a professional studio by experienced engineers, they are made to sit perfectly in the mix, giving the instant punch, depth and fatness to your tracks.
The ultimate fully-featured sampler, enabling you to create unique multi-sampled drum instruments incorporating: full control over different articulations, microphone groups, dynamic layers and every single audio sample in a quick and easy way.
Perfect Drums TCI pack for use with Slate Digital TRIGGER software. Perfect Drums is the innovative virtual drum instrument, featuring an intelligent sampling engine, that enables anyone to create unique multi-sampled instruments and share them in an easy and convenient way. Run the Perfect Drums Installer included with the electronic download. The MT Power Drum Kit is the ideal drum VST for the musician who knows exactly what they are wanting to achieve and prefer something that feels more realistic and intuitive. Massive sound libraries are always something I tend to look for in the best drum machine VST plugins, but sadly, I am usually let it down with lackluster drum packs.

Experience the sound of drum kits with 16 multi-sampled instruments, each of which can consist of samples in up to 8 velocity levels. Smart Swing, Jam! Dynamics, configurable Humanise options, Laidback timing option, Snare buzz and Hi-hat emulation are only a few of the functions in DrumPerfect Pro that make this app sound like a real drummer. Download the full version of the VST/AU/AAX drum plugin for free. Watch the video to see the most important features.
Incredible mixing flexibility and capabilities: comprehensive metering, instrument level, pan & phase controls, parallel processing groups, fully configurable mix routings, including internal auxiliary busses and multiple outputs.
Perfect Drums Download Free
Using Slate Digital TRIGGER? We got you covered!
Perfect Drums TCI is a special version of Perfect Drums created for use with the Slate TRIGGER plugin. It contains 54 instruments found in the factory sound library:
- 13 kick drums
- 12 snare drums
- 29 toms (8 full sets)
Perfect Drums Free Download
Each instrument incorporates all the available Perfect Drums’ sample groups, including:

- DIRECT microphone samples
- FX samples (parallel processed samples)
- OVERHEAD samples
- ROOM samples
- REVERB samples
To get the Perfect Drums TCI pack please proceed to the PURCHASE page.
Perfect Drums Library File
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